Contact Us

Please contact Dr. Hart's office via phone for inquiries or appointments. 

3214 50th Street Court Northwest
Gig Harbor, WA, 98335
United States

253- 514-8331

Cheryl Hart Psychologist

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While every client's work is different, treatment is usually from a goal-oriented, time-limited, and eclectic orientation.


Goal-oriented:  Attention and interventions are focused on the goal(s) of treatment. Treatment will generally not ramble or run on and on with the patient wondering what they are getting out of treatment or what they are working on specifically.  Goal-oriented also means that clients are regularly encouraged to make practical, day-to-day changes in thoughts, behaviors, or situations.

Time-limited: Treatment strategies and models that elicit change in a brief period of time are a priority.  Some problems can be fully resolved in a reasonably brief period of time (a few sessions to a few months), while others will take longer to fully resolve. The approach to treatment is to break down the problem into “bite-sized” pieces and/or to break solutions down into “do-able” smaller pieces.

Eclectic: Although Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and EMDR are most commonly used, components of other treatment approaches may also be used.