General Education re PTSD/Trauma
Dealing with the Effects of Trauma - A Self-Help Guide (published by the US DHHS, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
Understanding PTSD Booklet (put out by the US Dept of Veterans Affairs) educational booklet that serves as an “orientation” to PTSD and PTSD treatment STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
National Center for PTSD (put out by the US Dept of Veterans Affairs) website that educates about PTSD and treatment; Recommendation: look for a table of contents in the upper left corner and work through the website contents; solid information - STRONGLY RECOMMENDED
PTSD Basics - General PTSD information from the National Center for PTSD (put out by the US Dept of Veterans Affairs)
Psychological and Pharmacological Treatments for Adults with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (05/2018; put out by the US Nat’l Institutes of Health). This is a pretty dense, research-filled overview that is 616 pages long; this is way more than the average person needs, but here it is if you’re interested in diving deeper.
Long-term Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse (brief overview article put out by the American Counseling Association)